Whilst there are many factors involved with regards to how white your teeth will go, such as your age, the mineral content of your teeth, the type of staining you have and how dark or white they are in the first place. These factors make it impossible for us to judge exactly how white your teeth will go.What we will guarantee is, this is the most advanced teeth whitening system currently available and that we will get your teeth to the maximum as the can possibly go. Every single person achieves a guaranteed brighter result. We do not promise 6-8 shades whiter as usually companies who offer this don’t know what they are talking about. How can you achieve 8 shades whiter if some of us are already 4 shades from the top? these companies usually uses a low grade shade chart that has 20-24 shade gaps while ours has 12-16 shade gaps. So technically if you were to achieve 5 shades with us, it is equivalent to 10 shades on other shade chart.