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Laser Teeth Whitening FAQ

How long will the result last?

Is it safe?

How long does the treatment take?

Are there any side effects?

Is it safe, is there guaranteed results?

Is it suitable if I have crowns or veneers?

Will it hurt?

Is it suitable for everyone?

Why are AW3 lasers better?

This depends entirely on each individual, normally the results can last for years and depends on whether you smoke and consume staining agents. Periodic touch up treatments can be taken over time to time for clients that frequently have staining foods or drinks. Think of it like a white coat, it can stay forever white if you want it to.

Yes 100%! Years of teeth whitening treatments all over the world have proven that it is good for the gums as laser light kills the bacteria that causes gum disease. To conclude, it’s actually good for your teeth and gums.

The treatment itself takes less than 1 hour under the light. Discolorations that built up over the years will completely be removed in 1 single procedure.

For many years, scientists have proven that there are no side effects; some people may experience a slight sensitivity for a couple of hours after the treatment.

All white laser systems has safely whitened millions of teeth, and are probably one of the most experienced teeth whitening companies as this is there speciality. Every single person achieves a guaranteed brighter result.

Cosmetic teeth whitening treatment cannot change the colour of new crowns, veneers or fillings. If it’s an old crown or veneers, the treatment may take them back to their original colour.

No pain at all; very few may experience minor sensitivity for a few hours after the treatment. A chance of high sensitivity is very slim and will subside after a few hours.

Cosmetic tooth whitening is suitable for most. You may check with our member of staff if you have certain difficulties/health disorder.

Teeth whitening can be very harmful if cheap inferior products are used or if the technician is not fully trained or experienced. We are using a Trademarked and quality approved product which is 100% safe – it does not change or damage the structure of your teeth. Years of experience and a product that has satisfied millions of customers explains why people, including dentists, come to AW3 for there advice, products and services.

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